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Majority in Parliament Dismisses Financial Misconduct Claims in SML Contract

The Majority in Parliament has dismissed claims of financial misconduct concerning the Strategic Mobilisation Ghana Limited (SML) contract under the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA). The caucus states that there is insufficient evidence to implicate any government official.

Addressing the Parliamentary Press Corps, Majority Leader Mr. Alexander Afenyo-Markin rebuffed demands from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for prosecutions related to the contract, and labelling them as baseless and politically motivated.

Highlighting the contractual details, Mr. Afenyo-Markin emphasized that payments to SML are generated from the company’s revenue, not government funds, and urged scrutiny of the agreement’s specifics.

Moreover, he defended SML’s operations, noting their cooperation with the Mines and Energy Committee for inspection.

In a cautionary note, Mr. Afenyo-Markin urged against damaging Ghanaian businesses under the pretext of due diligence, emphasizing the need for fairness in treatment between local and foreign enterprises.

He praised President Akufo-Addo’s decision to conduct a thorough review of the contract, asserting it’s in the public’s best interest.


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