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Military takeovers will not be tolerated – AU

Ahead of the 2nd AU Reflection Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government (UCGs) scheduled for today March 18, 2024, the African Union has issued a warning against military coups in Africa.

The AU is stressing on the importance of upholding democratic principles and the rule of law, condemning any attempts to seize power through unconstitutional means.

Mr Bankole Adeoye, the African Union’s Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace, and Security, highlighted the need to uphold peace and democracy across the continent to drive the necessary development.

Mr Adeoye says the African Union has been championing democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, and sustainable development for the past ten years, but the continent continues to face multiple challenges such as terrorism, violent extremism, transnational organized crime, and poverty.

Mr Adeoye referred to the 2022 Accra Declaration, which was endorsed by African heads of state to defend democracy and restore constitutional rule in countries led by military juntas. He indicated that military takeovers would not be tolerated.

The 2nd AU Reflection Forum on Unconstitutional Changes of Government, also known as the Accra II Forum, will evaluate progress made since the 2022 Accra Reflection Forum, assess key achievements and gaps in implementing recommendations, and review developments since the first forum.

The idea behind the forum is to provide recommendations on enhancing the African Union’s responses to the new challenges posed by unconstitutional changes of government, with a focus on strengthening democratic practices and effective governance in Africa.

It will bring to the discussion table African policymakers, representatives from organizations like the Peace and Security Council and armed forces of AU member states, as well as civil society groups, academia, labour unions, and strategic development partners.


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