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Safeguarding Ghana’s Natural Spaces for Today and Tomorrow

As we celebrate Ghana’s independence, it is good timing for us to reflect on our collective pride and the responsibility we carry as guardians of our nation. Our hard-won independence comes with a solemn duty – to protect our land, our heritage, and our future.

However, there is a looming threat that undermines our prosperity. Illegal mining, infamously known as galamsey, is like a parasite that feeds on our natural resources. It damages our landscapes, contaminates our rivers, and deprives us of our rightful inheritance.

Galamsey has infiltrated our forests, rivers, and farmlands, scarring our environment. The lure of quick wealth blinds those involved in this harmful activity, but the environmental cost is immeasurable.

Ghana’s natural beauty is unmatched. Our lands and forest reserves are not just commodities; they are the lifeblood of our nation.

As we mark our independence, let us turn our national pride into action. Let us transcend political divisions and personal agendas. Together, we can reclaim our forests from the grips of galamsey. Let us stand united in our love for Ghana and assert that our natural heritage is non-negotiable.

RGG News urges our law enforcement agencies to be empowered in their efforts to combat illegal mining activities. Swift justice and stringent penalties will act as a strong deterrent.

Each citizen has a crucial role to play. Report any suspicious activities, protect our water bodies, and actively engage in tree-planting initiatives. Let us all be responsible stewards of our land.

Miners, environmentalists, policymakers, and local communities must work together. Sustainable mining practices can coexist harmoniously with conservation efforts.

Ghana’s independence wasn’t just for one generation; it was protected forever. Let’s honour our ancestors by taking care of our land and passing it down to our children – a Ghana where forests tell stories of strength and rivers flow pure.

Our future is in our own hands – the hands that work the land, create policies and envision a prosperous Ghana. Together, we can stop illegal mining and preserve our natural heritage – a legacy that celebrates our independence.


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