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Ghana Celebrates 67th Republic Anniversary

July 1, 2024, is Ghana’s 67th anniversary as a republic. It marks the significant moment in 1960 when the country transitioned from a constitutional monarchy to a sovereign republic.

This day is an opportunity for reflection on Ghana’s journey, achievements, and the importance of being a republic. In a republic, the head of state is elected, emphasizing the sovereignty of the people, who choose representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This governance model underscores democratic principles, where power is derived from the citizenry, and the rule of law is paramount.

Ghana’s path to becoming a republic began with its independence from British colonial rule on March 6, 1957. Under the leadership of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence.

However, it wasn’t until July 1, 1960, that Ghana formally became a republic, severing its ties with the British monarchy and establishing its head of state, with Dr Nkrumah as the first President.

The transition to a republic involved adopting a new constitution, which provided for an executive president instead of a British-appointed governor-general. This shift symbolized full sovereignty and the right to self-determination, allowing Ghana to chart its course without external interference.

As Ghana marks this significant milestone, the nation’s journey as a republic continues to inspire hope and determination, reinforcing the values of democracy, sovereignty, and collective progress.


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